The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Cheeky Monkey Media Adopt-a-Primate Initiative

Our world is a little bananas right now. The global Covid-19 pandemic may have been introduced into our lives in 2020, but it’s still very present in 2022 and has made these last 2 years quite a thing, yes?
At Cheeky Monkey Media (CMM), fortunately, projects began to pick up, and the team started growing again (and we’re growing fast – check out the positions we’re hiring for), but we needed some extra light and purpose to get us through the rest of 2021. Our team tossed around some ideas, including helping some unsung, slightly weird charities, but knew we wanted to start an initiative supporting a deserving charitable organization that aligned with our values.
Who’s That Monkey in the Mirror?
Suddenly, the right fit was as simple as looking in the mirror: Monkeys helping monkeys!! That’s our jam! And with that, the Cheeky Monkey Media Adopt-a-Primate Initiative was born. ???????? It’s simple but direct, with a global impact, and provides our clients with added value for the work we do with them.
We pledge to become a primate co-guardian with each client website launch valued at $10k+.
In honor of Earth Day 2021, Cheeky Monkey launched our Adopt-a-Primate Initiative. We pledged to become a primate guardian with each client site launch valued at $10,000+. Each time CMM adopts or becomes a co-guardian of a primate with a client, we choose a highly reputable, non-profit rescue sanctuary to support – one who is also helping to protect the planet we all share.
Why This Initiative Means a Bunch
The most obvious reason why CMM chose such a great cause to bring attention to is that our Cheeky Monkeys love supporting monkeys! Doing our part to help save the planet meant helping our closest relatives – primates. ????????
But here’s the most important reason: We want to help rescue sanctuaries like Primate Rescue Center and Jane Goodall Institute Canada (or the US institute) educate the public about the largely secretive and cruel primate trade, with the hope of collectively helping these rescues shut that trading industry down.
Also, non-profit organizations make up a lot of the Cheeky Monkey client list, so there was no hesitation on our part to support the incredible impact these non-profit rescues have on our earth and its inhabitants.
Unfortunately/fortunately, there are a lot of monkey and primate sanctuaries and rescues that can always use aid in one form or another. It’s a double edge sword, as there are endless opportunities and organizations that need support.
Reasons Why Rescue Sanctuaries Exist:
- Unscrupulous breeders and dealers continue to sell baby monkeys to those who inevitably learn that they’re unable to provide those animals suitable lifetime care
- Research laboratories quietly dump their unwanted animals after their experiments are finished or their grant money runs out
- The entertainment industry unloads the animals when they become too big to safely handle
- Zoos and other exhibitors quickly cast off their “surplus” primates when they run out of cage space, or deem that the public would prefer to see other species.
First Primate Rescue Recipient
Soon after the initiative began, we were excited to announce our first primate adoption and client site launch: Our good friends at A.D. Hennick have an impactful new website, and we donated to the Jane Goodall Institute Canada to become co-guardians with @ADHennick of a sweet orphaned chimp named Kabi.
If you would like to support our initiative and these awesome rescue sanctuaries through a web project with Cheeky Monkey Media, contact us!