Google Gearing Up to Change Its Video Publisher Policies in 2024
- Paid Media
There are plans for Google to update its Video publisher policy in April 2024. The changes will impact all video inventory monetized using the company’s ad code. It covers AdSense, AdMob, and Ad Manager. This falls under Google’s Publisher Policies.
These Google changes will streamline video policies throughout its different products. It will also align them with existing industry rules, like IAB OpenRTB.
The updated Video publisher policies will introduce different changes. One will be the accurate description of the inventory. These must offer declarations with accurate signals. It includes the audibility of ad placement. The videos should also state the type of ad placement. For example, the content can be “in-stream.”
The new policies will also use supported implementations. Accompanying Content placements must now use Google’s Interactive Media Ads. It could also use the Programmatic Access Library on supported platforms. It’s the same with In-Stream placements. Standalone or Interstitial placements will need to use solutions provided by Google.
The advertiser value will become more protected as well. The new policies demand that video inventory controls are not hidden or obstructed. The new policies also appear to be more respectful of the user. It allows for autoplay under certain conditions. One would be that the ad doesn’t play until 50% of the unit is visible. It also requires one video inventory to autoplay with sound at any time.
Google is asking site owners to review the revised Video publisher policies. They must check if it will impact their video inventory. Inventories with no approval before might be compliant with the updated changes. The site owners can appeal to Google or request a review. They can do this from April 1, 2024 onwards.