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How to Get Website Feedback From Your Customers
September 16, 2022 / Patrick BeckertonDid you know that 88% of online shoppers said they wouldn’t return to a site if they had a bad experience? And 70% of online businesses fail because of bad usability?
Despite these statistics, only 55% of companies conduct user experience (UX) testing. So you can do better!
But it can be difficult to know if your website’s done well or not. You’re already familiar with all your offerings, so looking for them is second nature, while it’s not the same case for consumers.
Why not ask them for website feedback? That way, you know exactly what you need to work on.
But how can you motivate people to give customer feedback? Below are some great ideas!
Reach Out on Social Media
59% of the world’s population uses social media, so there’s a very good chance that your customers and target prospects are on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Engagement is always a good idea, so you want to pose questions and encourage followers to interact with you. So you can kill two birds with one stone by asking for feedback on your social media accounts. Not only will you have more engagement, but you can also see what people think of your site.
You can also use a social listening tool, so you’re alerted whenever someone mentions your brand name. This will enable you to join in on the conversation and rectify any wrongdoings if there are any.
Add Popup Surveys
Popups can be annoying, so make sure you do this right. Pick and choose just a few questions to put in your surveys, and time them right.
For instance, you can have one popup when someone goes to leave your site. This ensures that their dissatisfaction is top of mind and they can provide accurate information for you.
Also, this can leave a good impression on consumers. They’ll see that you care about improving their experience, and they just might pop back in again in the future!
Add a Feedback Widget Too
What about the users who find your website good to use but only have issues with one or two things that aren’t dealbreakers? Then a feedback widget is what you need!
This goes on the side of your website, so it’s not obstructing anything. But it’ll be clearly marked with the word “Feedback,” so users can easily click on the button if they want to communicate something to you.
This widget allows visitors to give their opinions about what they liked (or disliked) about your site.
Implement Live Chat
If users run into any issues, then they’ll want quick answers. Again, a live chat box is very handy; they’ll get to talk to a real person to find what they need.
But it’s also great for you because you can find out more about the website user experience. For example, if many people ask about your business hours, that indicates that the information isn’t readily accessible.
The downside to using live chat is the extra money spent. However, you can cut costs by utilizing a chatbot instead.
What’s great about using a chatbot is you can preprogram it to pop up and ask people questions to collect feedback. That way, you don’t have to wait for them to contact you passively!
Add a Community Forum
Your customers will naturally gravitate toward a community forum if you provide them with one. They all have common interests, which means they’ll discuss your products and services.
This forum also lets them ask questions, raise concerns, and make suggestions. You and your staff should respond to all posts to improve customer satisfaction. And most importantly, acknowledge their ideas and make an effort to implement them.
Send Out Email Surveys
Chances are, your company sends out thank-you emails or confirmation ones for purchases. This is the perfect opportunity to attach some surveys.
This puts the ball in your customers’ court, as they can fill it out whenever they want. So if they didn’t have time to answer questions on your popup survey or feedback tab, then they have an additional opportunity to voice their opinions.
Offer Incentives for Your Surveys
If consumers aren’t offered anything for their opinions, then they’ll not likely spend time filling out surveys. Time is money, after all.
So dangle a carrot in front of your customers’ faces. For example, you can offer $5 or 5% off on their next purchase.
Not only will this motivate people to complete your surveys, but it’ll also get you repeat customers.
Pay Testers for Website Feedback
If you’re not getting enough feedback from the above methods, then it’s time to speed things along. You can do this by paying testers to give your site a whirl.
You have two choices here: professional or amateur testers. There are pros and cons to each choice.
With professionals, you’ll only hire 1 or 2, which is cost-effective if you’re on a limited budget. They’ll then thoroughly test your website and give you technical feedback.
On the other hand, you can hire multiple amateur testers to see how regular consumers react to using your website. While this is a more expensive option, it can give you better insight into how everyday people (with little to no web design knowledge) find your site.
Get Good Website Feedback to Improve Things
There are several ways to get website feedback, and not every single one is right for you. Instead, weigh the pros and cons of each, then rank them in order of importance. You can then pick the top methods and focus on those to get valuable insight into how your website’s doing.
If you’ve realized that your website design is terrible and needs some work, then contact us today. We at Cheeky Monkey Media can help you out!”