The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

The Cost of Drupal Website Development in Vancouver

As a business owner in Vancouver, BC, Canada, you may be wondering how much it would cost to develop a Drupal website. There are a few things to consider when budgeting for a Drupal website, including the cost of the Drupal platform, the cost of website development, and the cost of website maintenance.
Hosting & Domain Name Cost
The cost of the Drupal platform itself is free, as it is an open-source content management system (CMS). However, you will need to pay for website hosting, which can cost anywhere from $100 to $500+ per month, depending on your hosting package. You will also need to purchase a domain name, which typically costs around $20-50+ per year.
Development Cost
The cost of website development will vary depending on the size and complexity of your website. You can expect to pay around $10,000+ for a basic website from a development agency. On the other hand, you can expect to pay a minimum of $30,000+ for development if you have a large, complex website, with many costing $50,000-100,000+. The industry standard is for firms to charge between $120-200 CAD per hour for development, but the number of hours required to build a site varies greatly depending on the use case.
Maintenance Cost
The cost of website maintenance will vary depending on the size and complexity of your website, but you can expect to pay around $750+ per month for basic maintenance, such as security updates and content management. On the other hand, you can expect to pay at least $3000-5000+ per month for comprehensive maintenance if you have a large, complex website.
Who Needs Drupal?,,,, and the Australian Government built their sites using Drupal to give you some idea of the scale, complexity, and security required by customers looking to build using the platform.
Why Choose Drupal?
Drupal websites are often more secure than websites that are built with other CMSs. This is because the Drupal Security Team is very active and works hard to find and fix security issues. Drupal websites can also be made more secure by using security modules and setting up the website properly using an experienced development agency.
In conclusion, the cost of developing a Drupal website in Vancouver, BC, Canada, will vary depending on the size and complexity of your website. However, you can expect to pay between $10,000-50,000+ for development and between $750 and $5000+ per month for maintenance.
If your budget does not allow for this level of complexity, it may be more cost-effective to build and maintain a WordPress site.
Contact us today to discuss your Drupal or WordPress project [email protected] or 1.888.824.3359