The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.
Creative Design

Five Sources of Web Design Blog Inspiration
July 2, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason It’s already 2022 and we thought it would be fun to list the top five things we loved seeing on the web. #1. 50 Design Blogs for 2022 Web design is pretty cool because it is only going to keep getting better. We stumbled across this blog post and think… Read more
Why White Space is so Powerful in Web Design
April 2, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason When it comes to website design, there are many elements to consider if you want your website to take center stage. The use of space is one of those fundamental parameters of web design, but it is, at the same time, one of the most underestimated. Toda… Read more
User Testing: The Sugar to the Design & Development Pie
February 22, 2022 / Ashley Olsen User Testing has been around for what seems like forever, and it basically has in one way, shape, or form. You see it talked about in the design phases of a project and less so in the development phases, but why is that? Think of it as if you’re baking… Read more
Why Prototypes Will Transform Your Web Project’s Results
January 12, 2022 / Ashley Olsen What’s a Prototype in the World of Websites? The world of prototypes is a big one, and depending on the industry you’re in, “prototype” can mean different things. In UX and web design, there are a couple of different types of prototypes that you might… Read more
5 Advantages of a UX Designer/Project Manager Hybrid
December 20, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason So here’s the thing, I love my job. (I promise my boss isn’t holding a gun to my head as I write this.) I do, genuinely, love my job. The reason? Because I get to be both a UX Designer and Project Manager for clients. And there are a ton of advantages… Read more
User Stories are the Rosetta Stone to Becoming Tech-lingual
November 29, 2021 / Ashley Olsen Communicating your ideas clearly to the production team assigned to your project can sometimes be difficult. Things can easily get lost in translation throughout the process if the three main pillars – the designer, developer(s), and client – don’t est… Read more
Website Wireframes: 3 Options That Fit Any Budget
October 7, 2021 / Ashley Olsen Starting a new web project can be daunting. Technical terms that you may not have heard before getting thrown around, and it can be overwhelming to get familiar with the new jargon. One word that you’ve probably heard during your website journey is Wir… Read more
WebOps: The New Direction for Online Growth
August 24, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason So here’s a big question: How can you ensure your website continues to grow alongside your business while staying on the leading edge of technology, AND have the ability to pivot with unexpected market changes? Good news, this is more achievable than y… Read more
What are MVP Websites and Why They Matter to You
July 29, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason Establish your MVP website priorities with your team for a successful (and budget friendly) 2021 In 2021, the internet continues to be a dominant and necessary evil in a business’s success. Rebuilds, upgrades, redesigns, and all marketing actions need… Read more
Make Your Website Mobile Friendly in 2021
July 26, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason Is your website stuck in 2002? Were you still listening to “Hot in Herre” by Nelly on your Sony Discman the last time you overhauled your website? Is your latest blog post talking about your sweet new Nokia 3310? If this sounds like your site, let’s ge… Read more
Technology’s Impact on Tourism: New User Experience Trends to Embrace
May 18, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason Technology’s Impact on Tourism The days are gone when people used to rely on the services of travel agencies to plan their trips. Technology has revolutionized the way people make decisions about their travels, and user experience trends have evolved e… Read more