The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.
Drupal Planet

What’s up with User Pathways Design …?
September 1, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason A user pathway (sometimes called user flow and user journey) is the path a visitor takes on your website before completing the action you would like them to take. You can tackle the user pathway after you have completed your user research and user per… Read more
How To Reduce Your Cost Per Lead in AdWords
August 29, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason Running a campaign in AdWords can be a fantastic way to get more leads for businesses that rely on lead generation. It can also be an expensive money pit if you’re not doing it right. We’re going to share with you some fairly straightforward ways of re… Read more
How To Rank in Google Maps 3-Pack
August 27, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason Do you want to rank on Google’s Local 3-Pack? These are valuable positions for businesses with a local presence. Recently, Google changed the layout of the search results desktop. Now they look more like mobile search results. The Local 3 -Pack is now… Read more
Bootstrap Carousel + Drupal Paragraphs = Magic
August 9, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason Find out how to create a page, add a Slide Container, add a Slide, repeat. You’ll even learn how you could make a Video Slide, Testimonial Slide and more, all available in the one Slide Container, just by adding more bundles! Read more
Behat with Drupal – Tutorial
July 19, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason On our first day as interns at Cheeky Monkey, we were given the task of exploring the somewhat uncharted waters of using Behat, an open-source BDD (Behavior-driven development) testing framework, with Drupal 7. Why BDD Testing? We all know that testing… Read more
Building a Custom Module – Part 3
July 12, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason This is part 3, of a 3 part tutorial for creating a custom module for drupal 7. If you haven’t already done so, you may wish to look at part 1 and part 2 first. Anyway, here is the source code of this tutorial. First of all, though, I have to apologize… Read more
Working With The Paragraphs Module For Drupal
July 5, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason Recently, I started using the Paragraphs Module to develop landing pages for Drupal Websites. If you haven’t used it before, go check it out. It’s really user-friendly. I feel like it’s a replacement for field collections. However, unlike field collect… Read more
Drupal and Masonry, without the tears of Frustration
June 28, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason I recently had to create a new layout that mimicked the Pinterest layout. Masonry to the rescue! (sorta…) With Drupal already crapping out the content via views, we could just use the Masonry views plugin, right? Sorta. Well, it worked. … sorta. Th… Read more
D8 You’re Great! My first experience with Drupal 8
June 16, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason This is one of the blogs that I was really thrilled to write because I got to document my first-ever installation of the production version of Drupal 8. And boy, was I excited! As you know, Drupal has made some significant changes under the hood in t… Read more
My First DrupalCon – DrupalCon 2016 (New Orleans)
June 2, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason The Design Factor DrupalCon was an amazing sight to behold in person. Since I was fortunate enough to be on the New Orleans DrupalCon design team, it was actually uber cool to see all of the Drupal Association’s (DA’s) and Chris Arlidge’s (our creative… Read more
How to Import with Feeds using JSONPath
February 1, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason STEP 1: Install Necessary Drupal Modules In order to import some JSON data, you first need these modules installed and enabled. Ctools – Feeds – Job Scheduler – https://w… Read more