December 16, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
When working on larger projects, software architects and tech leads inevitably come across a few big hurdles in the project requirements for some not so “out of the box” functionality. They start asking themselves questions about the best way to approa… Read more
November 3, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
A while ago, our creative director asked me to implement a custom 404 page on our corporate website. We were tired of the generic drupal 404 page and wanted to give it our own “cheeky” touch. Of course with drupal, there are a few different ways to acc… Read more
September 22, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
This tutorial is written for new Drupal developers or PHP developers who want to learn drupal. You can find the part 1 of the tutorial here: Drupal Tutorial Part 1 Last time, we created a simple recipe module with save and load functionality. The user… Read more
September 15, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Welcome back. If you just found this, you might want to start with Part 1 before reading on. Okay, now we’re going into our custom theme folder (that’s based on the STARTER foundation sub-theme. Check out Justin’s Blog post, on how to set that up. So,… Read more
July 30, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Have you ever been working on a site, and had your QA department or your client come back with issues because when logged in, the local tabs (view, edit, etc) distort the page layout? Or maybe there are a lot of pages that contain a lot of content, and… Read more
July 23, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Back in June of 2014, the monkeys Drupal Development team headed for Austin, Texas. We stormed the Drupalcon with adventure gear, and a few clever and even controversial tee shirt giveaways. One of the most popular tee shirt was the “We are Drupal – Re… Read more
July 15, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Cheeky Monkey broke my Foundation cherry. It’s been a pleasurable experience. Coming from frameworks like Zen Grids (+ Drupal Theme) and Susy2 Grids, I can appreciate (and need) some major control over the grids. I have to say though, the foundation… Read more
July 2, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
If you are looking to create a rich and dynamic web app that has little to no latency, Drupal and AngularJS is the answer as they go hand in hand. In this article I will show you a brief intro of what AngularJS is. There is a bit of a learning curve in… Read more
June 25, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Coming up with a way to easily navigate and administer a Drupal site has always been a bit of a struggle. Usually, you’ve pleased the site builders and confused the normal site admins. Or pleased the site admins, but then caused the site builders to pu… Read more
June 9, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Having a mobile friendly responsive website is always a good idea. Having a responsive website that loads really fast is even better. Large images are often a bottleneck and the cause of slower page load. A great way to solve this is to serve up differ… Read more
May 26, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Learn how to configure Drupal to send out HTML emails. Also, learn how to add images and colours to email in order to enhance your user’s experience. We are going to use mail system and mime mail in this tutorial. I will try to keep things simple.… Read more
May 21, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason
Imagine this scenario. You add three different blocks in your footer region and the mockups call for them to be side by side. Here are 3 ways to accomplish this Drupal design challenge: Regions Using regions, we could add and create more footer regions… Read more