The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog

A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Nonprofit Website Design & Development – The Struggle

March 8, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason

In “Day in the Life of a Non-Profit Executive Director” Ray Deck shares his day working at Skookum Kids. His day starts at 3:42 am and ends at 10:45 pm. (By the way, this is Ray’s part-time gig!) While Ray’s story is inspiring, it also points to three…
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Looking for Life Hacks? (part 2)

February 29, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason

A Few More Tips and Tricks from the Troop In our last post, we shared our best practices for working as a team. In this post, we thought we’d give you a glimpse at the inner workings of the monkey troop. Read on to learn what some of our monkeys do to…
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Looking for life hacks?

February 29, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason

Our monkeys have tricks and tips instead of ticks and fleas! Hi there! How’s your jungle today? Ours is full of too much coffee, multiple projects, and conflicting deadlines. Oh, and did we mention our nests need cleaning, our kids won’t get off our ba…
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The Cross-continental Remoter

January 5, 2016 / Treena Bjarnason

When I was presented with the task of writing my first blog for Cheeky Monkey, the first thought that came to my mind (after the initial ‘crawl under a rock’ impulse) was to write about one of my encounters trying to wrestle with the tiny Drupal demons…
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My Social Media Presentation

November 19, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

I recently gave a talk to the local Chamber of Commerce in which I outlined some general standards for Social Media and how to use it. The talk itself was fine, and I was happy to be asked to do it. But in my experience going to a lot of other talks on…
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Why we are a web development shop

November 17, 2015 / Rick Bjarnason

Last week, one of our latest hires was explaining to me that we don’t feel like a Web Agency. Instead, he claimed that we felt and acted like a web development shop. I thought this was a strange thing to say. To me, they are more or less the exact same…
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Drupal Security Updates

September 18, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

The internet is in a constant state of change, so I suggest you keep up. Every day there is new code pushed up, new modules, patches, and security releases. Think of your website like a new sports car. Every six months you’re supposed to bring it in fo…
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Photoshop & Illustrator – Saving Time with Shortcuts

August 11, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

We have all watched someone work on an application as they executed all the commands from the application menus. Even when they use the right-click menu to cut and paste… watching this can be painful. Time is Money In the world of graphic design, a tim…
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Is your site mobile friendly?

April 30, 2015 / Rick Bjarnason

Be warned! Google is about to shake things up for you, and you may not like it. Starting April 21st, 2015, the mobile readiness of your site is going to affect your search engine rankings. Sadly, many are not taking this seriously. Even though Google h…
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3 Tips For Dealing With Writer’s Block

March 3, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

When Writer’s Block Happens Ugh – some days, it’s easier to put words on paper than others. As a person that spends much of his professional time writing (proposals, website content, marketing documents, ad copy), there are far fewer things more frustr…
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5 Things That Make A Good Logo Design

February 26, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

1. Memorable A logo should stand out in a crowd. It should be instantly recognizable, either through its form or type. Of course, marketing is what is going to get it in front of people first, it just needs to be sticky when it gets there. There probab…
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Gratitude for 2014

February 19, 2015 / Treena Bjarnason

grateful – warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful gratitude – the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful 2014 was a year of growth, challenges, and humbling experiences which filled me with a lot of gratitude…
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