The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Drupal Website Development in Vancouver
September 14, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason Vancouver is a beautiful, cosmopolitan city home to some of Canada’s best web development talent. Drupal website development is no exception. The team at Cheeky Monkey Media is one of the most experienced and respected Drupal development companies in C… Read more
Is there any truth to the three click rule?
September 7, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason The “Three Click Rule” is a rule of thumb for web design that suggests that visitors to a website should be able to find the information they are looking for in no more than three clicks. The rule is based on the idea that people are impatient and will… Read more
Making sure your website works.
August 14, 2022 / Rick Bjarnason Let’s face it websites are a huge commitment, both in time and money. Making sure that you build the right site for the right market is uber important. So, how can you make sure that you get it right? Planning ahead Make sure you are prepared before yo… Read more
User Testing: The Sugar to the Design & Development Pie
February 22, 2022 / Ashley Olsen User Testing has been around for what seems like forever, and it basically has in one way, shape, or form. You see it talked about in the design phases of a project and less so in the development phases, but why is that? Think of it as if you’re baking… Read more
4 Ways to Budget for a Drupal 9/10 Migration
February 2, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason Just so you’ve got a brief backstory and timeline for the last few years of Drupal platform updates: Back in September 2018, Dries Buytaert, founder and project lead of Drupal announced: “Drupal 7 will be end-of-life in November 2022, Drupal 9 will be… Read more
Cheeky Monkey Media Adopt-a-Primate Initiative
January 24, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason Our world is a little bananas right now. The global Covid-19 pandemic may have been introduced into our lives in 2020, but it’s still very present in 2022 and has made these last 2 years quite a thing, yes? At Cheeky Monkey Media (CMM), fortunately, pr… Read more
Why Prototypes Will Transform Your Web Project’s Results
January 12, 2022 / Ashley Olsen What’s a Prototype in the World of Websites? The world of prototypes is a big one, and depending on the industry you’re in, “prototype” can mean different things. In UX and web design, there are a couple of different types of prototypes that you might… Read more
5 Advantages of a UX Designer/Project Manager Hybrid
December 20, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason So here’s the thing, I love my job. (I promise my boss isn’t holding a gun to my head as I write this.) I do, genuinely, love my job. The reason? Because I get to be both a UX Designer and Project Manager for clients. And there are a ton of advantages… Read more
Why Cheeky Monkey Media is All In on WebOps
December 8, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason No One Wants a Drill “People want a hole in a wall, not a drill. The same goes for websites. People don’t want a website, they want the results a website can give.” And thus begins the story of why Cheeky Monkey Media is all in on WebOps. If you’re not… Read more
User Stories are the Rosetta Stone to Becoming Tech-lingual
November 29, 2021 / Ashley Olsen Communicating your ideas clearly to the production team assigned to your project can sometimes be difficult. Things can easily get lost in translation throughout the process if the three main pillars – the designer, developer(s), and client – don’t est… Read more
May the Power of Website Maintenance Compel You
November 8, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason You know what’s more terrifying than those creepy clowns that come out on Halloween? Building a website, and then not maintaining it. The horrors! ???? Companies that don’t understand the power of website maintenance are missing out on how to make thei… Read more